"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

For the rest, you need perseverance and a systematic approach

Nadja is an entrepreneur helping fellow side hustlers create passive income streams by doing what they love.

As the mom of three energetic boys, Nadja has learned the secret to balancing life, parenthood, and a career isn’t striving for control— it’s embracing the ebb and flow of each day and knowing that taking even the tiniest step forward is better than never taking one at all.

For years Nadja experimented with side hustles, but between working her 9-5 and raising her family, it was easy to become distracted, put ideas on hold, and stop moving forward with projects. Then, one day, she came across the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement.


Inspired by the financially independent lifestyle and her parenting journey, she launched her first successful project, The Stoic Mama. Her Etsy shop and YouTube channel shared the same name and mission: To help moms keep their cool by leveraging structured routines (and adopting a healthy dose of humor 🤭) so they could truly enjoy the time spent with their kids!

With her growth mindset, Nadja’s side hustle resume quickly expanded, leading her to juggle running her shop with filming videos, blogging, and exploring new side hustle ideas.


While searching for balance amidst her new ventures, Nadja realized that the key to achieving true success, building a portfolio of income streams, and cultivating a work-life balance was through organization.


Every entrepreneur knows making time to work toward their dreams can be difficult. By embracing her knack for creating structure — she is German, after all! — Nadja had the idea to teach like-minded individuals how to utilize Trello, an online organization tool.


Determined to show others how to put an easy-to-follow structure in place to help them stay on top of all the moving pieces in their business and everyday life, The Trello Course for side hustles and beyond was officially born.


Today, Nadja continues pouring her expertise into helping entrepreneurs maximize their productivity, grow their side hustles, and find fulfillment along the road to success!

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